Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Motion to rearrange orders of business failed

SESP senior Ivy LeTourneau motioned to change the order of business to bring the two bills — group executive accountability and gender protection — in front of B-status funding. A vote of two-thirds of the Senate would be needed. The motion failed.

LeTourneau said it would be better to change the order of business because in previous years business after funding "kind of just gets shoved through and not properly considered."

Executive Vice President Matt Bogusz asked for a show of hands to see how many student group leaders were there to "protect student funding."

With one of the busiest meeting of the year, a substantial amount of hands went up.

"It was set to be first on the docket," the Weinberg junior said. "We hope to make a quick process ... Student groups are just waiting to talk about funding."


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