Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Saving $45,000: where ASG decided to cut and spend

The proposed ASG operating budget for this upcoming year has decreased by almost half of the current $88,000 budget, and senators will vote on it next week.

With the 2008-09 budget set at $43,000, the saved $45,000 will mean more money for student groups.

“Hopefully this will improve programming across campus,” Associated Student Government President Jon Webber said.

The largest decrease came from the removal of Associated Student Government student legal services, decreasing $35,000 from the budget, which was used to pay for the salary of the lawyer. The biggest expense in the upcoming budget is paying for ASG-related expenses for Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations, costing $20,000.

Webber, a Weinberg senior said that though the current 2007-08 budget is set at $88,000, only about $20,000 has been spent. Much of the savings also included scaling back the budget to what is actually used. For example, ASG allocated $6,000 to spend on copier maintenance for the current year, but Webber said the full amount wasn’t being used. The copier budget has been decreased to $3,500. The Senate retreat was scaled back from a couple thousand dollars to $500 because the retreat will remain on campus.

While many cuts were made in the upcoming budget, several increases were also made.

The fall activities fair’s budget was increased from $4,500 to $6,000 for next year because of increased student turnout and demand. A new “senate project pool” of $5,000 was created for the upcoming year.

“One of my biggest frustrations of the year is that I didn’t set my own budget,” Webber said. “I’m setting the budget for the next person.”

The pool will allow ASG president as well as executive board members and senators to access the funds so long as Senate approves a petition from the people requesting to spend the amount. Because the pool is new to ASG, the amount of money available is set to be small.

“It’s big enough to make a difference, but not big enough to be ridiculous,” he said. “It would allow them to have things on their priority list or agenda.”

Money that wouldn’t be used from the pool would be rolled back to the body. The $43,000 budget includes $1,200 for office supplies; $6,100 for capital technology, including copier maintenance; $9,200 for special events, including the fall and winter activities fairs; $1,500 for Student Activities Finance Board and the executive committee expenses; $20,000 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day programming and $5,000 for the senate project pool.

The following is the report sent out to senators:
2008-2009 ASG Operating Budget Total: $43,000

Office Supplies $1,200
This money will go toward general office supplies for the ASG office and does not include costs associated with the student group printer/copier or the office supplies for the Student Legal Services office. Items include staplers, pens, pencils, paper clips, binders, page protectors, tape, file folders, Post-its, white-out, three-hole puncher, scissors, etc.

Capital Technology $6,100

Copier $3,500
Included in this line item are any charges associated with the student group copier including monthly rental service, paper, toner, staples, and any charges for repairs and/or service calls. Additionally, this line item will cover any costs associated with copying materials at the copy center that are not included in the special events or marketing line items.

Technology $2,000
These funds are to be used for the purchase, maintenance, repair and service of ASG-owned technology equipment. This includes the fax machine, computers, telephone lines, software, printers, etc., but does not include the student group copier. Also includes any lockdown or antitheft measures for the technology.
Sight, Sound, and Seating $600

This line item is to be used for A/V and set up charges associated with Senate meetings, ASG election debates, ASG info sessions, and any other sort of town hall meetings. Any A/V and set up charges incurred for other events will come from the special events line item.

Special Events $9,200

Senate Retreat $500
This will be used to pay for any costs incurred for Senate retreat including venue charges, A/V charges, printing of senator handbooks, and binders for the event.
Fall Activities Fair $6000

This covers venue charges, tent rentals, A/V charges, room setup or other equipment fees, printing of material for handbooks, and any other necessary materials for the Fall Activities Fair.

Winter Activities Fair $500
This covers venue charges, A/V charges, room setup or other equipment fees, printing of material for handbooks, and any other necessary materials for the Winter Activities Fair.

LAB $2000
This covers venue charges, A/V charges, room setup or other equipment fees, printing of material for handbooks, name tags, and any other necessary materials for the Leadership Advisory Board.

Big Bite Nite $200
This money will cover any costs associated with Big Bite Nite including transportation costs, table rentals and any other supplies needed for the execution of the event.

SAFB/ Executive Committee Expenses $1,500

This line item is to be used for any expenses related to the operations of the SAFB/ Executive Committee including student group audits, account executive binders, funding cycle printed materials and annual review supplies. Also, includes costs for co-sponsorship forums.

Martin Luther King Day $20,000

This line item covers all ASG related expenses for the Martin Luther King Day Celebrations. This is specifically for honorariums traditionally requested in the spring term.

Senate Project Pool $5,000

This line will not be able to be used unless the ASG Senate approves a petition from the ASG President & Executive Board to spend a portion of the line for a project.


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